Results for 'Sergeĭ Lʹvovich Utchenko'

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  1. Krizis polisa i politicheskie vozzrenii︠a︡ rimskikh stoikov.Sergeĭ Lʹvovich Utchenko - 1955
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  2. Eshche odin ėkzamen.Sergeï LʹVovich Lʹvov - 1965
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  3. Istoricheskiĭ materializm. Furmanov, Grigoriĭ Lʹvovich, [From Old Catalog] & Lev Valentinovich Vorobʹev (eds.) - 1973
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  4. (1 other version)Matematicheskai︠a︡ logika.Samson L'vovich ĖDelʹman - 1968
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  5. Istoricheskiĭ materializm kak obshchesot︠s︡iologicheskai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡: Leninskoe filosofsko-sot︠s︡iologicheskoe nasledie i sovremennostʹ.Grigoriĭ Lʹvovich Furmanov - 1979 - Moskva: Izd-vo MGU.
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  6. Kak izuchatʹ filosofskie proizvedenii︠a︡ osnovopolozhnikov marksizma-leninizma.Grigoriĭ Lʹvovich Furmanov - 1971 - Moskva,: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta.
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  7. Metodologicheskie i sot︠s︡ialʹnye problemy razvitii︠a︡ nauki: [Sb. stateĭ].Grigoriĭ Lʹvovich Furmanov (ed.) - 1979 - Moskva: Izd-vo MGU.
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  8. O rezhisserskoĭ ėtike.Mark Lʹvovich Rekhelʹs - 1968
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  9. Ispanskai︠a︡ ėstetika--Renessans barokko, Prosveshchenie.Abram Lʹvovich Shteĭn (ed.) - 1977
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    Is istorii ėsteticheskoĭ mysli v Turkmenistane.Izrailʹ Lʹvovich Sosonkin - 1969
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  11. Is istorii ėsteticheskoĭ mysli v Turkmenistane.Izrailʹ Lʹvovich Sosonkin - 1969
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    Historiography of Yogācāra Philosophy in 20th Century India.Sergei L. Burmistrov & Бурмистров Сергей Леонидович - 2024 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):91-108.
    Paradigms of historiography of philosophy in India have being changed since late 19th c. till present, depending on the social and cultural context of the history of Indian philosophy as a part of contemporary Indian culture. This change manifests itself in the conceptions of Indian historians concerning the teaching of Buddhist Mahāyāna school of Yogācāra (4th c. and later). Historians of colonial times, basing themselves on the philosophy of Neovedаntism (S. Radhakrishnan, S. Dasgupta), regarded Buddhism as a derivate of late (...)
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    Metaphysics and Fundamentals of Transcendental Psychology Approach.Sergei L. Artemenkov - 2021 - Open Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):125-147.
    The Transcendental Psychology Approach to the study of perception has been developed by A.I. Mirakyan at the Psychological Institute (Moscow, Russia) about 30 years ago. This article considers the results of theoretical and experimental investigations and provides a historical overview of the approach’s development. Started with the investigations of constancy in perception, it went beyond the traditional Product Basis Paradigm (relying on perceptual features for finding perceptual mechanisms) into Philosophical Metaphysics of “nothing” and “something” concepts for revealing the form-generating principles (...)
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    Boris N. Chicherin and the Problem of the Political Identification of His Legacy.Sergei L. Chizhkov - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (1):1-12.
    This article examines a still contentious question: how conservative and liberal elements are combined in Boris N. Chicherin’s worldview and political doctrine. It considers several points of view...
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    On Some Features of Russian Liberalism.Sergei L. Chizhkov - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (2):89-95.
    Why does the theory of law have such a significant role in Russian liberalism, and how is this related to the state of the legal system in Russia and to the public’s legal consciousness? This intro...
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    Ethological and ecological aspects of color vision.Sergei L. Kondrashev - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):42-42.
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    Competing Motivations in Grammar and Usage.Brian MacWhinney, Andreĭ Lʹvovich Malʹchukov & Edith A. Moravcsik (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume examines the conflicting factors that shape the content and form of grammatical rules in language, which speakers and addressees need to contend with when expressing themselves and when trying to comprehend messages. Chapters examine adult language, first and second language acquisition, and the motivations behind historical change.
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    Ab initiomulti-string Frenkel–Kontorova model for a b =a/2[111] screw dislocation in bcc iron.Mark R. Gilbert & Sergei L. Dudarev - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (7-8):1035-1061.
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    Is there a continuum of agentive awareness across physical and mental actions? The case of quasi-movements.Artem S. Yashin, Sergei L. Shishkin & Anatoly N. Vasilyev - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 112 (C):103531.
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  20. We Will Show Them! Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay.Sergei Artemov, H. Barringer, A. S. D'Avila Garcez, L. C. Lamb & J. Woods (eds.) - 2005 - London, U.K.: College Publications.
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    Coherence in SMCCs and equivalences on derivations in IMLL with unit.L. Mehats & Sergei Soloviev - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 147 (3):127-179.
    We study the coherence, that is the equality of canonical natural transformations in non-free symmetric monoidal closed categories . To this aim, we use proof theory for intuitionistic multiplicative linear logic with unit. The study of coherence in non-free smccs is reduced to the study of equivalences on terms in the free category, which include the equivalences induced by the smcc structure. The free category is reformulated as the sequent calculus for imll with unit so that only equivalences on derivations (...)
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    Pafnutii L'vovich Chebyshev 1821-1894N. E. Prudnikov.Lipman Bers - 1979 - Isis 70 (4):633-633.
  23.  55
    Disentangling FDE -Based Paraconsistent Modal Logics.Sergei P. Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (6):1221-1254.
    The relationships between various modal logics based on Belnap and Dunn’s paraconsistent four-valued logic FDE are investigated. It is shown that the paraconsistent modal logic \, which lacks a primitive possibility operator \, is definitionally equivalent with the logic \, which has both \ and \ as primitive modalities. Next, a tableau calculus for the paraconsistent modal logic KN4 introduced by L. Goble is defined and used to show that KN4 is definitionally equivalent with \ without the absurdity constant. Moreover, (...)
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    Ethical views of L. D. Trotsky: the problem of violence.Sergei Nizhnikov & Rodion Shafikov - forthcoming - Sotsium I Vlast.
    Introduction. The article analyzes the problem of substantiating morality in revolutionary activity using the example of L. D. Trotsky’s articles. The relevance of the article is connected with its consideration of ethical ideas, which are largely common to Marxist and generally left-radical philosophy. In addition, the works of L. D. Trotsky that we are considering, for political reasons, entered into free scientific circulation relatively recently, and to date have not received a sufficient amount of versatile academic commentary, primarily philosophical. The (...)
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    Scénarios schématiques de la vie et de la narration.Sergei Iou Neklioudov - 2010 - Iris 31:41-50.
    On peut distinguer trois cas de correspondances différentes entre les « scénarios schématiques » et le domaine narratif folklorico-littéraire : 1. La narration constitue la projection de la « dramaturgie de la vie » (une telle projection n’est évidemment ni directe ni complète) ;2. La structure de l’univers des personnages et la structure événementielle du narratif influencent la formation des « scénarios de la vie », en conditionnant l’apparence morphologico-compositionnelle de l’un et de l’autre ;3. La coincidence de la « (...)
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    Groups Definable in Ordered Vector Spaces over Ordered Division Rings.Pantelis E. Eleftheriou & Sergei Starchenko - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (4):1108 - 1140.
    Let M = 〈M, +, <, 0, {λ}λ∈D〉 be an ordered vector space over an ordered division ring D, and G = 〈G, ⊕, eG〉 an n-dimensional group definable in M. We show that if G is definably compact and definably connected with respect to the t-topology, then it is definably isomorphic to a 'definable quotient group' U/L, for some convex V-definable subgroup U of 〈Mⁿ, +〉 and a lattice L of rank n. As two consequences, we derive Pillay's conjecture (...)
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    Des usages politiques de l’extrémisme en Russie.Jules Sergei Fediunin - 2022 - Cités 92 (4):165-179.
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    Beyond the divide. Introducing the work of Aleksandr L’vovich Dobrokhotov.Evert van der Zweerde - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (1):119-123.
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    Approximating Approximate Reasoning: Fuzzy Sets and the Ershov Hierarchy.Nikolay Bazhenov, Manat Mustafa, Sergei Ospichev & Luca San Mauro - 2021 - In Sujata Ghosh & Thomas Icard, Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 8th International Workshop, Lori 2021, Xi’an, China, October 16–18, 2021, Proceedings. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-13.
    Computability theorists have introduced multiple hierarchies to measure the complexity of sets of natural numbers. The Kleene Hierarchy classifies sets according to the first-order complexity of their defining formulas. The Ershov Hierarchy classifies Δ20\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\varDelta ^0_2$$\end{document} sets with respect to the number of mistakes that are needed to approximate them. Biacino and Gerla extended the Kleene Hierarchy to the realm of fuzzy sets, whose membership functions range in a complete lattice L. In (...)
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  30. Sergeĭ Nikolaevich Rzhevkin, 1891-1981.L. K. Zarembo - 1992 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by Leonid Vadimovich Levshin.
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    Živa Vesel;, Sergeï Tourkin;, Yves Porter ., A. Beschaouch . Images of Islamic Science. Volume 1: Illustrated Manuscripts from the Iranian World. 323 pp., illus., bibls., index. Tehran: Institut Français de Recherches en Iran/UNESCO/La Fondation Max van Berchem/L'Université Islamique Azad, 2009. $120. [REVIEW]Nahyan Fancy - 2011 - Isis 102 (4):766-768.
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    Christian antinomy in modern spiritual poetry.L. N. Tatarinova - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russia 3 (1):45.
    The problem of the article is based on a long tradition of studying the category ‘antinomy‘ in the history of philosophy from antiquity until the early twentieth century. Antinomical thinking has particular importance for the spiritual life in the 20th century. The author draws attention to the fact that, for example, in the poetry of Thomas Stern Eliot antinomies and paradoxes are of philosophical and religious nature especially in then dealing with questions of reaching the Truth by rational way exclusively. (...)
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    Ot moderna k avangardu: muzykalʹnye ėpokhi i stili: ėstetika, poėtika, ispolnitelʹskai︠a︡ interpretat︠s︡ii︠a︡: sbornik stateĭ.S. Grokhotov (ed.) - 2021 - Moskva: Nauchno-izdatelʹskiĭ t︠s︡entr "Moskovskai︠a︡ konservatorii︠a︡".
    Russkiĭ kosmizm v poiskakh absoli︠u︡ta : paralleli i peresechenii︠a︡ v muzykalʹnom, poėticheskom i izobrazitelʹnom tborchestve 1910-1920-kh godov -- Liki Moderna -- Putʹ k modernu : Georgiĭ Lʹvovich Katuar -- Stilʹ modern v tvorchestve Frederika Diliusa : kont︠s︡ert dli︠a︡ fortepiano s orkestrom do minor -- Stilʹ modern i tvorchestvo Bely Bartoka (na primere opery "Zamok gert︠s︡oga Sini︠a︡i︠a︡ Boroda") -- Frit︠s︡ Kreĭsler i stilʹ modern -- Klod Debi︠u︡ssi i Moris Ravelʹ : muzyka dli︠a︡ arfy -- Klod Debi︠u︡ssi : dvenadt︠s︡atʹ ėti︠u︡dov dli︠a︡ (...)
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    Vladimir F. Ern and Semyon L. Frank: A Dispute on the Distinguishing Features of Russian Philosophy.Oleg V. Marchenko - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (4):289-301.
    This article addresses the famous 1910 debate between Vladimir F. Ern and Semyon L. Frank centered around the problem of identifying the distinguishing features of Russian philosophy. The debate was a continuation of Ern’s debates with Russian philosophers associated with the international journal Logos (Sergei I. Hessen, Fyodor A. Stepun, Boris V. Yakovenko, and others). The author shows that Ern’s understanding of an original Russian philosophy is organically related to his overall philosophical doctrine. As for Frank, his views during the (...)
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    Lo schermo come quadrato dinamico e l’architettura di vetro.Antonio Somaini - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 55:155-167.
    In una fase della teoria del cinema e dei media, come quella attuale, che appare segnata da un dibattito sempre più intenso sul significato e sulla portata di nozioni come quelle di medium e dispositivo, riprendere l’opera di autori come Dziga Vertov e Sergei M. Ejzenštejn, Siegfried Kracauer e Walter Benjamin, può risultare una via produttiva non solo nel tentativo di situare in una prospettiva storica il dibattito contemporaneo, ma anche di trovare nuove modi di pensare le nozioni citate di (...)
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    The life and work of Semen L. Frank: a study of Russian religious philosophy.Stephanie Solywoda - 2008 - Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag.
    Semen Frank is one of the most interesting and exciting pre-revolutionary Russian religious philosophers to be “rediscovered” after the fall of the Soviet Union. His involvement in Russian pre-revolutionary political and academic life brought Frank into contact with an imaginative, progressive and idealistic group of thinkers whose ranks he then joined. Like Nicholas Berdyaev and Fr. Sergei Bulgakov, Frank put forward his own philosophical views about their world, which was in upheaval, and about human nature. After emigration from the then (...)
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    Naukata i zhiznenii︠a︡t svi︠a︡t: sbornik v chest na 60-godishninata na prof. Sergeĭ Gerdzhikov.Sergeĭ Gerdzhikov, Konstantin I︠A︡nakiev & Dimitŭr Elchinov (eds.) - 2017 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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  38. Explicit provability and constructive semantics.Sergei N. Artemov - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (1):1-36.
    In 1933 Godel introduced a calculus of provability (also known as modal logic S4) and left open the question of its exact intended semantics. In this paper we give a solution to this problem. We find the logic LP of propositions and proofs and show that Godel's provability calculus is nothing but the forgetful projection of LP. This also achieves Godel's objective of defining intuitionistic propositional logic Int via classical proofs and provides a Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov style provability semantics for Int which (...)
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  39. The logic of justification.Sergei Artemov - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (4):477-513.
    We describe a general logical framework, Justification Logic, for reasoning about epistemic justification. Justification Logic is based on classical propositional logic augmented by justification assertions t: F that read t is a justification for F. Justification Logic absorbs basic principles originating from both mainstream epistemology and the mathematical theory of proofs. It contributes to the studies of the well-known Justified True Belief vs. Knowledge problem. We state a general Correspondence Theorem showing that behind each epistemic modal logic, there is a (...)
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    Constructive Negations and Paraconsistency.Sergei Odintsov - 2008 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Here is an account of recent investigations into the two main concepts of negation developed in the constructive logic: the negation as reduction to absurdity, and the strong negation. These concepts are studied in the setting of paraconsistent logic.
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  41. Justification logic.Sergei Artemov - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Agamben and Politics: A Critical Introduction.Sergei Prozorov - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Tracing how the logic of inoperativity works in the domains of language, law, history and humanity, 'Agamben and Politics' systematically introduces the fundamental concepts of Agamben's political thought and a critically interprets his insights in the wider context of contemporary philosophy.
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    Routley Star and Hyperintensionality.Sergei Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (1):33-56.
    We compare the logic HYPE recently suggested by H. Leitgeb as a basic propositional logic to deal with hyperintensional contexts and Heyting-Ockham logic introduced in the course of studying logical aspects of the well-founded semantics for logic programs with negation. The semantics of Heyting-Ockham logic makes use of the so-called Routley star negation. It is shown how the Routley star negation can be obtained from Dimiter Vakarelov’s theory of negation and that propositional HYPE coincides with the logic characterized by the (...)
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  44. Unusual coincidences, statistics and an intelligent influence.Sergei Chekanov - manuscript
    This paper argues that unusual coincidences, particularly those involving historical events, can be viewed as design patterns, suggesting an intelligent influence over the course of events. A compelling case examined in detail using probability theory concerns the presidencies of Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865) and John F. Kennedy (1917–1963). This and other coincidences involving historical figures disfavor the materialistic perspective and point to the presence of an intelligent agent acting on a global scale, beyond the arrow of time, influencing human lives and (...)
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    Logic of proofs.Sergei Artëmov - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 67 (1-3):29-59.
    In this paper individual proofs are integrated into provability logic. Systems of axioms for a logic with operators “A is provable” and “p is a proof of A” are introduced, provided with Kripke semantics and decision procedure. Completeness theorems with respect to the arithmetical interpretation are proved.
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    On the representation of n4-lattices.Sergei P. Odintsov - 2004 - Studia Logica 76 (3):385 - 405.
    N4-lattices provide algebraic semantics for the logic N4, the paraconsistent variant of Nelson's logic with strong negation. We obtain the representation of N4-lattices showing that the structure of an arbitrary N4-lattice is completely determined by a suitable implicative lattice with distinguished filter and ideal. We introduce also special filters on N4-lattices and prove that special filters are exactly kernels of homomorphisms. Criteria of embeddability and to be a homomorphic image are obtained for N4-lattices in terms of the above mentioned representation. (...)
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    The Logic of Generalized Truth Values and the Logic of Bilattices.Sergei P. Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (1):91-112.
    This paper sheds light on the relationship between the logic of generalized truth values and the logic of bilattices. It suggests a definite solution to the problem of axiomatizing the truth and falsity consequence relations, \ and \ , considered in a language without implication and determined via the truth and falsity orderings on the trilattice SIXTEEN 3 . The solution is based on the fact that a certain algebra isomorphic to SIXTEEN 3 generates the variety of commutative and distributive (...)
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    The Role of Exceptionalism in the Evolution of Bioethical Regulation.Sergei Shevchenko & Alexey Zhavoronkov - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (2):185-197.
    The paper aims to present a critical analysis of the phenomenon and notion of exceptionalism in bioethics. The authors demonstrate that exceptionalism pertains to phenomena that are not (yet) entirely familiar to us and could potentially bear risks regarding their regulation. After an overview of the state of the art, we briefly describe the origins and evolution of the concept, compared to exception and exclusion. In the second step, they look at the overall development debates on genetic exceptionalism, compared to (...)
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    Foucault’s Affirmative Biopolitics: Cynic Parrhesia and the Biopower of the Powerless.Sergei Prozorov - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (6):801-823.
    While Foucault’s work on biopolitics continues to inspire diverse studies in a variety of disciplines, it has largely been missing from the debates on the possibility of “affirmative biopolitics” which have been primarily influenced by the work of Agamben and Esposito. This article restores Foucault’s work to these debates, proposing that his final lecture course at the Collège de France in 1983–1984 developed a paradigm of affirmative biopolitics in the reading of the Cynic practice of truth-telling ( parrhesia). The Cynic (...)
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    Intuitionistic epistemic logic.Sergei Artemov & Tudor Protopopescu - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):266-298.
    We outline an intuitionistic view of knowledge which maintains the original Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov semantics for intuitionism and is consistent with the well-known approach that intuitionistic knowledge be regarded as the result of verification. We argue that on this view coreflectionA→KAis valid and the factivity of knowledge holds in the formKA→ ¬¬A‘known propositions cannot be false’.We show that the traditional form of factivityKA→Ais a distinctly classical principle which, liketertium non datur A∨ ¬A, does not hold intuitionistically, but, along with the whole of (...)
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